
- Are We Required to Eat Unleavened Bread Each Day of the Feast?
- Are Women and Children Required to Tithe and Give Offerings?

- Can We Cook on the Annual Holy Days?
- Can We Use Public Transportation on the Sabbath?
- Counting to Pentecost when Passover Occurs on the Sabbath

- Did Ahimelech Inquire of the Eternal for David?
- Did Angels Marry Women, and Were there Giants on the Earth?
- Did Paul Change Regarding Meat Offered to Idols?
- Does the Sabbath Begin at Sunset or Dark?

- Is Cooking or Reheating Food Permissible on the Sabbath?
- Is Fire Prohibited on the Sabbath?
- Is Playing the Lottery Gambling, and is Gambling a Sin?
- Is the Night to be Observed the Last Day of the Feast?

- A Sabbath Day’s Journey
- Should Christians Honor Father’s Day?
- Should Christians Honor Mother’s Day?
- Should Christians Meet in Buildings that Display Pagan Symbols?
- Should Christians Wear Tassels?

- What Constitutes Legitimate Baptism?
- What Defines a Holy Convocation?
- What Does the Bible say about Contraception?
- When Will the Earth be Destroyed?
- When Will God Pour Out His Spirit on All Flesh?
- Who Are the Spirits in Prison?
- Whose Name is Lucifer?
- Why Samuel Could Offer Sacrifices
- A Woman’s Covering and the Angels
- Women Speaking in Church
Video sermons that talk about some of the above topics: