The Sabbath Test

This is the third edition published in print solely by the Eternal Church of God. Other versions of this material found on the internet have been compromised and are not recommended by the elders who wrote and authorized this publication.
This book addresses what became a common practice in the Church of God-dining at restaurants on the Sabbath. Every week members of the Church of God assemble on the Sabbath to honor the Creator of the universe. However, many have lost sight of what it means to keep His Sabbath holy. This seems to have become a time for comfort and convenience and considered a day to enjoy personal pleasures disguised as spiritual activities. Do you respect God’s instructions regarding His Sabbath? This book, written by the original author, publisher, and coworkers, addresses a common practice of many who choose to dine out on the Sabbath. The Sabbath Test explains exactly why going to a place of business such as a restaurants on a God’s holy day violates the fourth commandment. It also answers the many excuses and rationalizations that ministers and brethren attempt to use to justify the activity. If you think that such behavior is acceptable, or that it is a twiggy issue, our book will show you why choosing to dine out on the Sabbath may be a matter of life and death.
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