Featured True Gospel Sermons (audio)
Below is a selection of true gospel sermons given over the last 23 years that have been sent out to those on a sermon mailing list. You may listen to them online or download any of them. Select this text for download instructions. We also recommend visiting the annual sermon archive, and the featured gospel video sermons.
- A Need for Unity
- Roles of Men and Women in the Church
- Babylon the Great
- I Don’t Know
- Lessons from a Fig Tree
- The Best Investment
- The Restoration of All Things
- 70 Bulls
- The Goat of Departure
- Events of the Exodus part 1 – Moses’ Destiny
- Events of the Exodus part 2 – Confrontation and Four Plagues
- Events of the Exodus part 3 – Five More Plagues
- Events of the Exodus part 4 – Death and Consecration of the Firstborn
- Events of the Exodus part 5 – the Red Sea
- Events of the Exodus part 6 – the Prophetic Song of Moses
- Events of the Exodus part 7 – Marah, Manna, and the Sabbath Test
- Events of the Exodus part 8 – the Rock in Horeb
- Events of the Exodus part 9 – the Priest of Midian
- Events of the Exodus part 10 – a Proposal
- Events of the Exodus part 11 – the Covenant
- Counting the Wave Sheaf and Christ’s Resurrection
- Self Righteousness
- Part 1 – When the Great Tribulation will Begin
- Part 2 – How Select People Will Escape Great Tribulation
- Part 3 – Who God Will Protect in a Place of Safety
- Part 4 – Reasons for a Place of Safety
- The Great Commandment
- An End-Time Watchman
- Bridging the Gap
- Inertia
- The Importance of Baptism
- Your Decisions Determine Your Destiny
- Relativism
- A Lamp to Our Feet
- Sideline Christians
- Not Defiled by Women
- Practice
- A Friend of God
- Kindness
- Not Defiled by Women
- A Lamp to Our Feet
- A Tale of Two Mountains
- Contact and Staying in Touch
- Remembering Lot’s Wife
- A Friend of God
- Kindness
- A Tour of the Bible
- Are You Forgetting Something?
- Perspective
- The Resurrection of Condemnation
- A Study of Angels
- The Truth about Gog and Magog part 1
- The Truth about Gog and Magog part 2
- Some Good News
- The Way of Cain
- The Error of Balaam
- The Rebellion of Korah
- What We Believe about God
- Does God Love Everyone? part 1
- Does God Love Everyone? part 2
- Apathy in Our Age
- Simon the Magus
- Tune-out & Tune-in
- What We Know about the Holy Spirit
- What We Believe about Christ
- Let this Mind be in You
- What We Know about the Holy Spirit
- What You Should Know about God’s Commandments
- Joseph’s Bones
- The Misunderstood Truth about Grace
- The Seat of the Scornful
- Evidence of Faith
- Do Not Give Up Hope
- A Warning
- Roots of Bitterness
- What Time Is It?
- A Crisis of Integrity
- Is Jacob’s Pillar Our Rock?
- A Big 10-4
- Democratic Socialism vs the Government of God
- Situational Ethics
- The Christian Reset
- The Devil in the Details of Social Media
- Some Questions for Passover
- Biblical Principles of Social Distancing
- Fashion, Culture, and Decency
- Discerning the Resurrections
- The Morning Star
- Temporary Vs. Permanent
- Why God Is Invisible
- Presumptuous Sins and Great Transgression
- Christian Respect for Authority
- The First and Second Resurrections
- Trial by Fire
- Watch
- Christ and the Scapegoat
- A Literal New Heavens and Earth
- Enslaved by “Freedom”
- Training Your Conscience
- Resolve
- Visualizing the Kingdom of God
- The White Throne Judgment
- Is This the End Time?
- Defining Philadelphia and Laodicea
- Hell, Burial, and Cremation
- Russia in Prophecy
- Abide in Christ
- Patience of the Saints
- Going Forward
- The Longest Walk
- The 144,000 part 1
- The 144,000 part 2
- The 144,000 part 3
- The 144,000 part 4
- The 144,000 part 5
- Is America the Beast of Revelation?
- Spiritual Arboriculture
- A Memorial of Trumpets in Past, Present, and Future History
- Be Strong and Have Courage
- Hypocrisy
- The Wondrous Seed
- A War in Our Members
- Overcoming Temptation
- Like Christ
- The Bible’s Disunity with the Trinity
- Assyria, Germany, and the Roman Empire
- Human Nature and Satan’s Nature
- Christian Teamwork
- Peacemakers and Good Soldiers
- The Day of Passover – 14th or 15th?
- Raising Cain
- Time to Prepare
- Pride
- Lasting Impressions
- Who Are God’s People?
- Scientific Evidence of God’s Existence
- Revisiting Our Hope
- A Reliable Christian
- What Is Our Reality?
- Problems with Young Earth Creationism (part 1)
- Problems with Young Earth Creationism (part 2)
- The Devil’s Incarceration
- Perseverance
- A Christian App
- Inside Out and Outside In
- Christian Masquerading
- Discord to Harmony and Fasting
- The True Meaning of Pentecost
- Good and Faithful Service part 1
- Good and Faithful Service part 2
- Good and Faithful Service part 3
- Pride and Humility
- Veterans of the Way
- Christian Relationships
- Re-Creation
- Defining Family
- Stages of Christ’s Return
- Commitment
- Who Is Great?
- Overcoming Guilt of the Past
- Get Back
- Principle Doctrines of Christ
- You Are What You Eat
- You Are What You Think
- God’s Temple and the Man of Sin
- A Respectable Offering
- Last But Not Least
- God’s Good Pleasure
- The Truth about Pentecost
- Can We Lose Rewards?
- The Power of Choice
- A Little Flock
- What You may not Know about Stealing
- Spiritual Healing
- Warning Signs
- The Truth about Mother’s Day
- Adultery and Fornication
- Servant Based Leadership
- Fearful and Unbelieving
- You Shall Not Harden Your Heart
- The Fear of God
- Lessons from Flight
- The Marriage Supper
- Stay Connected
- Number Nine
- Cloven Tongues of Fire
- How to Envision the Kingdom of Heaven
- Idols and High Places
- Aspects of Observing the Sabbath
- The Beginning of the Law
- The Intent of the Law
- The Totality of What is Real
- Christ’s Last Words
- The Pure in Heart
- Honoring Parents
- Practice
- The Trumpet Plagues
- Reluctant to Repent
- The Name of God
- Political Correctness in the Church
- The Nature of Murder
- You Can Make it
- Are We Listening?
- The Magnitude of Passover
- A Better Resurrection
- Fasting and the Day of Atonement
- A Blind Eye
- Onward
- You Shall Know Them by Their Fruits
- The Truth about Grace
- The Truth about Imputed Righteousness
- Wholeness and Holiness
- Negotiating with God
- What the Eighth Day Represents
- What about Him?
- Crisis Management
- I Never Knew You
- Without Vision
- The Passover – Vision to Realty, Lost and Found
- Division
- How Then Shall We Live?
- Why Do You Seek the Kingdom?
- Cleanliness and the Passover
- Honor God
- Who are You Working For?
- Time and Chance
- Work it Out
- The Importance of Biblical Genealogy
- Are You a Faithful Servant?
- Christian Joy
- A Lesson from Lot
- The Church of Laodicea
- The Way of Peace
- The Millennial Highway of Holiness
- The Key of David
- Assumptions about Tithing
- The Impossible Dream
- Awakenings
- Speak the Truth
- The Gift and a Reward
- Unconditional Surrender
- Mercy not Sacrifice
- Privileged
- The Christian Man
- The Christian Woman
- Running the Race
- Substitutions
- Where is Your Treasure?
- You Can
- Church Government
- Where is the One True Church?
- The Importance of Prayer
- Sweat the Small Stuff
- Honorable Parenting
- Familiarity
- True Freedom
- Die to the Self
- Too Little, Too Late
- Handling the Things of God
- Sacred Names
- The Second Exodus
- True Christian Fellowship
- Will You Be Too Late?
- Sideline Christians
- Finish the Mission
- Integrating Our Faith
- Music and the Decline of Civilization part 1
- Music and the Decline of Civilization part 2
- Unthankful and Unholy
- Now I Know
- What’s Your Plan?
- The Wiles of the Devil part 1
- The Wiles of the Devil part 2
- Dereliction of Duty
- How to Forgive Others
- Who Moved My Cheese?
- Diverse Weights and Measures
- Laodicea Vs. the Sabbath
- Murmur Not
- Dealing with Anger
- It’s Not About You
- What Really Matters
- Origins
- Compartmentalization
- If Only I Would Have Known
- Ears to Hear
- The Unclean and the Clean
- Qualify for the Kingdom
- Seven Abominations
- Toe the Line
- Was the Law Done Away?
- Vessels of Honor
- The Way We Should Choose
- Veterans of Faith
- Remember the Sabbath Day
- A Way of Escape
- What is Required of Us?
- An End to War
- How the Kingdom Will Spread
- Fight or Flight
- Trivializing God
- Motivation
- Step into the Unknown
- Wandering in the Wilderness of Sin
- Filled With the Spirit
- Recognizing Sin
- Fruits of the Spirit
- It’s Hard to Kick Against the Pricks
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Whale Done
- Make a Move
- The Day Christ Died
- Questions for Passover
- Giant Killers
- Self Righteousness
- The Defense Mechanism
- Half-Hearted
- Regain and Maintain Your First Love
- Walk While We Have the Light
- The Importance of Thanksgiving
- A Lesson from Saul
- Matthew 18
- The Journey
- Not as the World Gives
- The Puzzle
- Tyranny of Urgency